Our range of massages: treatments
Aromatherapy massage
Indian head massage
Swedish/Holistic massage
Lava shell massage
Hot stone massage
Pre & post-natal massage
Thai foot massage
Myofascial release technique

For more information about our treatments, get in touch with Shirley today. 
Our treatments include a number of massage techniques such as soft tissue release. Whether you are looking for a general massage to help you with daily aches and pains, or you are looking for a specific treatment plan, contact Shirley today.

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 Sports massage/Deep tissue massage 
55 minutes £ 48, 85 minutes £70 Plus £5 for the Dry Needling (Acupuncture)

Sports massage involves the manipulation of soft tissue,  including skin, fascia, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Imbalances that occur in the soft tissues may be caused from repetitive and strenuous physical activity, sports and trauma or from working at the computer on the dining room table recently. This massage uses a variety of soft tissue techniques to release the tissues and restore balance.  Also Ultrasound therapy and Dry Needling (acupuncture) can be used in combination with massage.
Clients come in from all walks of life, this is not just for sports people. (follow the link for more details)

55 minutes £48

An aromatherapy massage with Shirley Marriott Therapies is completely individual as the various mix of oils are blended at the time of massage and in keeping with the clients needs and likes. Leaving you feeling relaxed and de-stressed.
This massage is suitable for the full body or just back, neck and shoulders.

Indian head massage55 mins £48

This treatment involves a back, neck and shoulder massage along with a head/scalp massage. Helping to relax, unwind and reduce stress, at the same time as reducing muscle tension and releasing a tight scalp.  This treatment can be conducted either in a seated or lying position, with or without oil.

Lava Shell Relax Massage:
55 minutes £58

Pure relaxation with the wonderful hot lava shells. The heat produced inside the shells relaxes the muscles as they glide over the surface of the body. These shells are smooth and can be used to ease areas of tension by melting them away. 
If you like hot stones massage you will love this therapy.
Suitable for back, neck and shoulder massage or full body massage. 

Hot Stones Massage 
55 minutes £58 

The stones used for this massage are heated in a special heated bag. The size of stones are selected to use on the body to give the best surface coverage, thereby the best possible massage. Using the heat in the stones to penetrate the muscles to relax them and give you a wonderful treatment.

Pre- and post-natal massages:
55 minutes £48

Pre- and post-natal massages are a great way to ease away back pain and focuses on the mother to relieve aches and pains associated with pregnancy or carrying your bundle of joy.  

Thai Foot Massage.
55 minutes £48

Thai Foot Massage s a specific massage of the feet and lower legs using the hands for most movements and a Thai Stick for the reflex points on the sole of the feet.
This treatment is great for tired legs and poor circulation problems. Helps to relax you and make you feel calm.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage:
75 minutes initial appointment £65, follow ups 55 mins £60

MLD is a very special type of massage designed to stimulate the lymphatic system. A compromised lymphatic system can lead to a condition called lymphoedema. This is a condition of localised fluid retention and tissue swelling. MLD can be used to minimise fluid build-up in the tissues and stimulate the flow of fluid through the lymphatic system back to the heart. (Follow the link for more details)

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